Seven Bridges Road
2021, oil on canvas, 11" x 14"
Seven Bridges Road in Duluth runs along Amity Creek as it flows south toward Lake Superior. The road crosses back and forth over the creek multiple times, creating the need for multiple bridges. Seven Bridges Road was imagined by Samuel Snively and is largely remembered for the effort he put into the creation of numerous parks and boulevards throughout the city, Construction of the road began in 1899, complete with wooden bridges that quickly needed replacing due to safety concerns and in 1912 the wooden bridges were replaced with stone bridges.
Seven Bridges Road in Duluth runs along Amity Creek as it flows south toward Lake Superior. The road crosses back and forth over the creek multiple times, creating the need for multiple bridges. Seven Bridges Road was imagined by Samuel Snively and is largely remembered for the effort he put into the creation of numerous parks and boulevards throughout the city, Construction of the road began in 1899, complete with wooden bridges that quickly needed replacing due to safety concerns and in 1912 the wooden bridges were replaced with stone bridges.