Nature's Blanket
2024, oil on gessobord, 18" x 36"
In the Ojibwe culture, storytelling is an ancient and important tradition. Tales are told all year long, however winter is the season of storytelling. There are traditional stories that are only told while snow blankets the ground. Snow is important as there are tales you don't want to tell when animals and spirits are there to hear you. Hibernation allows for the telling of valuable life lessons while showing respect and privacy for woodland animals and the spirits.
In the Ojibwe culture, storytelling is an ancient and important tradition. Tales are told all year long, however winter is the season of storytelling. There are traditional stories that are only told while snow blankets the ground. Snow is important as there are tales you don't want to tell when animals and spirits are there to hear you. Hibernation allows for the telling of valuable life lessons while showing respect and privacy for woodland animals and the spirits.